Young Haymakers
Montessori Nursery School

“Enrichment beyond the classroom”
Call Us: 01435 812555

Outstanding Education and care in your area
Partnership with parents and families
Parents/carers are the most significant people in a young child’s life, Young Haymakers intends to work with parents/carers, supporting, encouraging and reinforcing best practice and guiding or advising when parents/carers ask for suggestions on ways of educating, caring and coping with their child.

Forms of communication used to actively advise and involve parents are as follows
We arrange for parents and their child to visit us initially and if they like us we then plan for a home visit prior to all children starting (however in some circumstances these will take place after a child has joined); during the home visit parents will be asked questions relating to the Characteristics of Effective Learning, prime areas of the early Years Foundation stage (EYFS), health and care needs and any other significant information regarding the child. Parents are invited and encouraged to complete the ‘All About Me & Parent Voice’ booklet before their child starts, this is usually given during the home visit alongside other information. In addition, we require copies of the 27 month integrated health review ~ if a child is 27 months whilst attending we will also contribute to this record.
Once the sessions have been agreed a two week ‘settling in’ period is arranged; the first week the parent is very pro active in their child’s play, with the child’s key person close by, then during the second week the parent becomes less active and the key person gradually becomes the secondary attachment figure for the child (Bowlby theory), developing the child’s trust. If children require a longer period to settle this is provided for- every child is unique
We provide a notice board within the entrance hall with statutory and non-statutory documents displayed; our Ofsted registration certificate and address, public liability insurance certificate, information about Early Years Education Entitlement, plus a great deal more. Further parent information is available within this area such as packing a healthy lunch box, books on child development, signs and symptoms of infections plus much more.
Our Parent Panel
Our parent panel comprises of six-ten parents.
The aim of a parent panel is to support the nursery by;
taking part in meetings with the manager and early years teachers, discussing a wide range of topics, ranging from the nursery policies and procedures, data analysis, routines and activities for the children
contributing to our future plans by providing their opinions, ideas and suggestions
organising social events, supporting our new parents and families to the nursery
organising fund raising events
We actively encourage parents and carers suggestions, feedback and any recommendations to ensure that Young Haymakers provision enhances each child's care and education and in addition values families unique diversity.