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"The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for Life".

                                                                                                                                                          Maria Montessori

Oak Room

From 2 years until 5 years of age


In our Oak room the children benefit from our extensive, large outdoor space, which includes all year-round opportunities for play and learning outdoors.  We have two Forest School sites at the Nursery and the older children can take advantage of daily Forest School adventures, equipped with high quality mud kitchen, bug habitat, fire pit site to inspire curiosity, discovery and learning adventures by our trained Forest School Leaders.


We have designed our Nursery environments to be cosy and exciting and they have been carefully structured in such a way as to promote a child’s independence, decision-making and problem solving abilities.   The environment is organised into clearly defined areas which flow into each other to accommodate the wide range of different activities appropriate to the development and competence of the children.  Areas are divided by the use of low level shelving that reduces distractions and allows children to become engrossed in their activities.  Low level shelving also allows items to be displayed at the children’s height and within reach so that children can deliberate and make choices about what they wish to use in their activity and play ideas. 

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